Solución Semantic Citizen.

Nature of the project

To have an effective and referential IT solution in the European market which facilitates the implementation of customisation policies in citizen service by associations, interest groups or the public administration itself. It includes and formulates a new model of service for Society, a model based on more open Institutions, the participation of citizens and organisations, the anticipation by the Administrations of social needs, the coherence in public policies and the effectiveness of services. It makes intensive and innovative use of the capacities of knowledge technologies, putting intelligent systems at the service of Society.

    Our vision:

  • To facilitate related or extended information on topics that may be of interest to citizens and companies depending on their specific and changing characteristics, as well as depending on the context of the legislation or the services offered by entities.
  • Social or associated organisations with the capacity to provide tailor-made and optimised services for specific citizens.
  • Matching of interests.

    Our mission, the definition and construction of a solution that allows us to:

  • Generate information.
  • Discover the automatic detection of the fields of interest by means of automatically cross-referencing the reality and context of the citizen or company and the information or services offered by public or private entities.
  • Inform in a tailored way.

The role of Repcon

  • Development of software prototype.
  • Definition of the basic ontology.
  • Development of the module for importing external ontologies defined in standard W3C formats (rdf, rdfs and owl).
  • Development of natural language interpretation module applied on data in the cloud based on XML format.